Patients are to call the clinic for appointment.

Dear Patients,

Retirement of Dr. Don Pezzutto and replacement by Dr. Chinedu Okabuonye

Effective Dec 1st, 2024

It has been my honour to have been involved in your medical care, whether it has been over one encounter or over years and even generations of our relationship. I hope I have done well by you and your families. After over forty years as a physician, I have mixed emotions on retirement, but the overarching feeling is one of gratitude. I am grateful for my patients, staff and colleagues, in particular for my replacement, Dr. Chinedu Okabuonye.

Dr Okabuonye has trained in Nigeria and the UK. He has practiced Family Medicine there and here in Canada. To our good fortune, he has relocated to London with his wife and two young children. He and I have shared the practice since October and will do so for the near future. The experience has affirmed that I am leaving you in good hands.

As of December 1st, the MOH will have transferred my list of patients over to his name; you will be tentatively rostered under Dr. Okabuonye for six months. Please take the earliest opportunity to sign a roster form to confirm your permanent status as a patient of Dr. Okabuonye.

Roster forms will be available at the office from Dec 1st.


Dr. Don Pezzutto

Please forward this message to any other contacts that are patients of ours.

Regular Clinic Hours


Our Team

Dr. Sophia Anthireya-Kakani

Dr. Upali Weebedda

Dr. Leah Sinah

Dr. Camila Lancefield

Dr. Rick Krukowski

Dr. Chinedu Okabuonye